About me and my relationship to art

     Hi! My name is Tiambria Phillips. I am currently in my sophomore year of college at UAF taking classes through distance learning to get my elementary education degree. It took me a long time to work up the courage to go to college because I was afraid of the debt associated with it. However, it got to the point where I realized that I would rather have debt and work in a field I love than be debt-free and full of regrets. This is why I am a 27-year-old just starting college. But enough about that and let us get to why you are really here. 

    Throughout my life, I have always had a love for Chinese landscape painting because they're simple but beautiful. While I found many other types of art beautiful like the Renaissance period, I've still always been drawn to landscapes. The lack of overwhelming color and simplicity of it seems to always catch my eye. When I was younger, I took several art classes, and I never seemed to be satisfied with my own work. I tried to make sculptures, and they would turn out lumpy, then I tried painting but became overconfident always trying to add more making it look like a "Where's Waldo" picture. When I was in middle school, I once went to a museum in Anchorage Alaska but outside of that I haven't been to one, but I would love to. It has always been an issue of where and when can I go. Then comes the problem of owning art. My dream is to someday own a lot of it but currently, I don't have any. Mark my word though, I will eventually. Since this is also a little get-to-know-me, I'll let you in on a little secret. Until today, I've never heard of First Friday in regards to art which shows that we really do learn new things every day. 


  1. Replies
    1. I’m a little older than you are, so don’t worry about it. I like ink wash too and recently took a sumi-e course. I find Chinese landscape art has a little more depth and texture than sumi-e, which is concerned more with the beauty of lines. I admire both art styles very much.

  2. First Fridays can be really fun, and are offered in many different cities. Take a friend or family member and go! 100% of the time I meet interesting people at these events, even when it is a town where I don't know anybody.

  3. I've seen Chinese landscape paintings before but until looking at your post I certainly hadn't appreciated them enough! I agree with the beauty of simplicity.


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